Logo Lightness
A relaxing social network focused on relaxation and inspiration, where you can express all your thoughts, ideas and secrets.

A social based on destiny

Lightness is an innovative social platform designed to provide different opinions and ideas on a wide range of topics.
It provides a safe environment where users can send their messages in form of colorful lanterns that fly through the air,
passing from one user to another, thanks to the destiny.

Send messages through the lanterns,
even anonymously.

You can tackle any topic you like or intrigue.
Using the anonymous signature, you will be able to know the real thoughts of others about your messages.
Comment the lanterns

Each lantern, when grasped, can be read and commented on.
The author will be able to receive and reply to all comments on his lantern.

More likes, more fly

Whoever grabs the lantern can leave a 'like' to
make it fly higher and allow it to reach more cities.

Write your lanterns

Write and throw them in the air. See how many cities they go through, readers and likes they get.

Lanterna DestinyLights App

Grab the lanterns

Thousands of lanterns containing messages, dreams, adventures, secrets and much more.

Travel the world

Each lantern can cross thousands of cities and travel around the world.

Express yourself. Nothing else matters.

Lightness is freedom of thought and expression.
It doesn't matter who you are, but what you say and what the sincere reaction to your words is.
Feel free to express yourself through messages and lanterns.
Try It Now

Lightness is a new social network to spread your ideas, thoughts and secrets anonymously without being judged

Get answers to common questions about Lightness

What is Lightness?

Lightness is a new social network focused on relaxation and inspiration. It provides a calm, stress-free environment where users can explore different ideas and exchange messages.

How does Lightness work?

Within Lightness you will be able to create messages (even anonymously) and launch them in the air through the flying lanterns. Lanterns have the power to fly anywhere in the world and be grabbed and read by anyone.
You can write any idea, thought, secret that comes to mind even anonymously. This way you can get to know the community’s thinking without worry.
Finally, you too can grab, read and comment on all the lanterns you want.

Can I write the lanterns anonymously?

Sure. Before flying your lantern you can decide whether to sign it or not. If you don’t sign it, the lantern will contain an anonymous signature.
This way you can express yourself freely without worries.
Finally, you will receive notifications of who will comment on your lantern, so you can read the comment right away.

Is Lightness free?

Yes. You can download our app for free and use it. However, in the future, we may include paid advertising and personalization features to support the costs of developing and maintaining our community. We are waiting for you.

Lanterns and the world tour. What?

Each lantern in Destiny Lights has the power to fly for miles without ever falling. The more comments and likes it receives, the more it will be able to reach new cities.
If a lantern is grabbed in more than 370 cities it will travel around the world and could be displayed in the TOP 50 round-the-world lantern collection.

Is there a version for Apple devices?

Not currently, but we are working on it. As soon as it is available on the Apple Store, we will notify our community.
Stay connected.

Eu gosto de escrever. Amei a ideia de falar dos meus pensamentos e espalhá-los pelo mundo.

Sonia S.Android

Me gusta mucho porque puedes publicar lo que sientes sin miedo a que te juzguen todo lo contrario encuentras personas que te dan ánimos y consejos para que puedas dejar a un lado la tristeza Es una app muy buena dónde puedes conocer a gente de todo el mundo

Marisol G.Android

It is an amazing app I love the messages everyday before I do something I open a lamp if it's good I do the thing if it's bad or sad I don't👍😀

Michael Y.Android

Una aplicación con un buen diseño y una interfaz muy sencilla de usar mis felicitaciones a los desarrolladores

Jorge V.Android

Esta app me parece una de las mejores ideas que se pueden haber ocurrido, genial trabajo, y un bello gesto de parte de los desarrolladores, están ayudando a personas de distintos lugares a conectarse y darse confort, apoyo y guía.

Yunier D.Android

Love it! So cool.... Something positive on the web and I write a lot, so it's right up my alley. ♥️♥️♥️

Amy E.Android

I like answering those that need a kind word. Also sending out ♥♥♥.KQ

Kimberley H.Android

Estou tendo uma experiência como nunca tive em escrever e lançar essa lanternas, assim posso alcançar e falar com pessoas que nunca vi,..é extraordinário poder transmitir uma mensagem e alcançar pessoas mais além,obrigado por nos compartilhar essa idéia tão brilhante,te agradeço de coração.

Julia B.Android

Start grabbing the lanterns

Download the application from your reference store. The version for Apple will also be available soon.